Opportunities to Serve God

The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve.

Matthew 20:28

Christian Service

Your ministry is when you use your God-given gifts to serve God and others. It is the Holy Spirit that will equip you to serve, and we will help you find the right ministry for you. Your ministry is most fulfilling when using your spiritual gifts and abilities in the area of your heart's desire, and in a way that expresses your personality and experience. Your primary commitment should be in an area where you are gifted, and secondary one where you are needed. This form is only starting point.


Discover your Spiritual Gifts

The Spiritual Gifts Inventory can help you determine which spiritual gifts you have been blessed with. It takes approximately 15-20 minutes to take the inventory, but whole lifetime to use your spiritual gifts. Visit www.sprcc.bz/spiritual-gifts-inventory.

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